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Bachelor of Arts Degrees Require Intermediate Level Language Study

These courses have been approved every bit Bachelor of Arts Caste Requirements courses. This form list is updated periodically. More than data virtually the Available of Arts Degree Requirements tin can be found in the Academic Information section.

ARAB 1 Uncomplicated Mod Standard Arabic I four
ARAB 2 Simple Modern Standard Standard arabic II iv
ARAB 3 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic 4
ARAB 110 Arab Language, Cultures, and Current Topics Keystone/General Education Course 3
ASIA 406 Bug and Practices in Pedagogy Asian Languages three
CHNS i Level One Chinese A 4
CHNS two Level I Chinese B 4
CHNS iii Level 2 Chinese A 4
CHNS 110 Level Two Chinese B 4
CHNS 401 Level Iii Chinese A 4
CHNS 402 Level 3 Chinese B 4
FR 1 Elementary French I four
FR ii Elementary French Ii iv
FR three Intermediate French 4
FR 111 Unproblematic French half dozen
FR 112 Intermediate French six
FR 199 Foreign Written report--French ane-12
FR 201 Oral Advice and Reading Comprehension three
FR 202 Grammar and Limerick three
FR 299 Strange Study--French 3-12
FR 351 French and Francophone Literature I iii
FR 352 French and Francophone Literature 2 3
FR 401 Advanced Oral Communication three
FR 402Y Avant-garde Grammar and Writing 3
FR 410 French Press 3
GER 1 Uncomplicated German language I iv
GER 2 Elementary German Two 4
GER 3 Intermediate German 4
GER 11 Intensive Basic German 6
GER 12 Intensive Intermediate German 6
GER 199 Foreign Study--German 3-half-dozen
GER 201 Conversation and Composition 4
GER 301 Intermediate Speaking and Listening 3
GER 302W Intermediate Composition and Grammar 3
GER 344 Intermediate German Culture 3
GREEK 2 Elementary Classical and New Testament Greek 4
GREEK 101 Introductory Aboriginal Greek four
GREEK 102 Intermediate Aboriginal Greek 4
GREEK 203 Greek Reading and Composition 4
GREEK 420 Greek Prose Authors 3-12
GREEK 425 Greek Historians iii-6
GREEK 430 Greek Verse 3-half-dozen
GREEK 440 Greek Drama three-6
HEBR one Bones Modern Hebrew I 4
HEBR ii Basic Modern Hebrew 2 4
HEBR 3 Intermediate Modern Hebrew 4
HEBR 401 Advanced Hebrew--Conversation Emphasis 3-vi
HEBR 402 Avant-garde Hebrew--Reading Emphasis three-half-dozen
HINDI 1 Level One Hindi A 4
HINDI two Level I Hindi B 4
HINDI three Level Two Hindi A 4
Information technology 1 Unproblematic Italian I iv
Information technology ii Elementary Italian II four
Information technology 3 Intermediate Italian 4
Information technology 10 Intensive Elementary Italian 6
It 20 Intensive Intermediate Italian half dozen
Information technology 301 Pathways to Fluency three
It 415 Dante iii
IT 422 Topics in the Italian Renaissance iii
IT 450 Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature 3
Information technology 460 Twentieth-Century Italian Literature 3
JAPNS i Level One Japanese A four
JAPNS 2 Level One Japanese B four
JAPNS 3 Level Two Japanese A 4
JAPNS 110 Level Two Japanese B 4
JAPNS 401 Level Three Japanese A 4
JAPNS 402 Level Iii Japanese B four
JAPNS 452 Gimmicky Nippon: Cultures, Lifestyles, Trends 3
JAPNS 453 Japanese Film 3
JAPNS 454 Japanese Literature 3
KOR 1 Level One Korean A iv
KOR 2 Level I Korean B 4
KOR 3 Level Two Korean A iv
KOR 451 Food and Foodways in Korea three
KOR 452 Korean Linguistic communication and Civilization 3
LATIN 1 Simple Latin iv
LATIN 2 Simple Latin 4
LATIN iii Intermediate Latin 4
LATIN 402 Republican Literature 3-12
LATIN 403 Augustan Age Literature three-12
LATIN 404 Silverish Age Literature three-12
Politician i Level One Polish A 4
Politician two Level One Shine B four
Pol 3 Level Two Polish A 4
PORT 1 Elementary Portuguese I 4
PORT 2 Elementary Portuguese Two 4
PORT three Intermediate Portuguese 4
PORT 123 Portuguese for Romance-language Speakers 2-three
PORT 405 Advanced Composition and Conversation 3
RUS 1 Unproblematic Russian I 4
RUS 2 Simple Russian Two 4
RUS 3 Intermediate Russian 4
RUS 204 Intermediate Russian II 4
RUS 214 Intermediate Russian III 4
RUS 304 Readings in Russian Iii iii
RUS 305 Advanced Russian Conversation 3
RUS 412 Russian Translation iii
Bridge ane Elementary Spanish I four
Bridge two Elementary Spanish 2 four
Span 3 Intermediate Spanish iv
Span 10 Intensive Spanish 6
SPAN 20 Intensive Castilian 6
Bridge 100 Intermediate Grammer and Composition 3
Bridge 100H Intermediate Grammar and Composition three
Bridge 110 Intermediate Conversation 3
Bridge 120 Intermediate Reading 3
Span 200 Intensive Grammar and Limerick iii
Bridge 210 Readings in Iberian Culture 3
SPAN 220 Readings in Ibero-American Civilization three
Span 253W Introduction to Hispanic Literature 3
Bridge 300 Advanced Grammar and Limerick Through Reading 3
Span 301 Advanced Writing and Stylistics in Spanish for Spanish Speakers 3
Span 353 Topics in the Cultures of Espana iii
SPAN 354 Topics in Edge Studies 3
Bridge 355 Topics in the Cultures of Latin America three
SPAN 356 Topics in the Cultures of the Americas 3
Bridge 410 Advanced Oral Expression and Advice 3
SPAN 411 The ABCs of Bilingualism: Acquisition, Brain, and Community iii
Bridge 439 Don Quijote three
SPAN 472 The Contemporary Spanish American Novel 3
SPAN 476 Masterpieces of Castilian American Literature iii
SPAN 490 Masterpieces of Spanish Prose iii
SPAN 491 Masterpieces of Spanish Drama and Poetry 3
SWA one Uncomplicated Swahili I 4
SWA 2 Uncomplicated Swahili Ii 4
SWA iii Intermediate Swahili four
UKR 1 Uncomplicated Ukrainian I 4
UKR ii Elementary Ukrainian II 4
UKR 3 Intermediate Ukrainian four
